What should I write about?
I have reached that point in my writing where I have given away every cool thing I know. Any time I sit to write down the next viral Medium post, I think —
O! I have already written this in a previous article.
I delete everything I’ve written thus far and stare into the emptiness of a blank Medium draft. Thoughts lead to questions —
Is this all I know?
Was I a one-post wonder?
Where is my creativity?
Amidst these questions a mellow voice tells me that it is okay.
It is okay to not know enough.
It is okay to have just one-post that did well.
It is okay to have a slight slump in my creativity.
This mellow voice that empowers me, is a gateway to my personality. It speaks the truth. Not the truth I want to hear, but the truth that I need to hear.
This mellow voice lifts me up, when I’m down, beaten or unmotivated. Thanks to this voice, I’m writing a post about not knowing what to write about.
I’m sure you too have a mellow voice. What is it saying? Take some time off, stop whatever you are doing and LISTEN to truths that your mellow voice has to say.
BTW, you are awesome!