Take charge of your Life!
Our lives are perpetually filled with ‘busy’ schedules. We are so caught up in ‘things’ that we hardly find time to build ourselves. If you have read my previous posts or follow me on LinkedIn, you’d definitely know that I’m strong believer of self-development. Honestly, I wasn’t born this way. Certain experiences in my life helped me to move towards taking charge of my life.
Let’s rewind to the year 2015. I had just reached my university for the 6th semester of engineering. That semester had so many lows, from my lowest GPA to my lowest point in physical fitness. The compounding effect of all these lows pushed my self-esteem to a record low! In an effort to nourish my depleting self-esteem, I began watching innumerable motivational videos. These motivational videos told me stories of people who triumphed over odds worse than mine. If they could take charge of their lives, why couldn’t I?
The more I looked at people who took charge of their life, the more I felt that it was possible for me too!
The motivational videos became an everyday ritual. I began spending countless hours, finding the best motivational content and preaching it to other people. Needless to say, my GPA and fitness remained unchanged.
I was motivated towards taking charge of my life but I wasn’t taking any action to move towards that goal.
With the realization of the importance of action, I began hitting the gym and studying seriously. The schedules of these activities, however were haphazard. There were days that I spend completely devoted towards gym and studies, and then there were days that I refused to get out of bed. The constant phase shift that my brain went through prevented me from being purposeful about taking charge of my life.
Taking charge of my life is more about consistency than intensity. I need to be purposeful about taking charge of my life everyday.
I have taken the first few steps towards taking charge of my life, but I have a long way to go. My experience in taking charge of my life can be summarized as a simple equation (I’m an engineer, remember?).
Taking charge of life = M*A*C
where M = Motivation, A = Action and C = Consistency. As they are multiplicative, all of them need to be non-zero values to ensure that one is truly taking charge of his/her life.
This equation has helped in a multitude of ways. I hope this equation helps you too!
Thanks for reading! If you like my post, do show some love! If you have questions on how technology can help you take charge of your life, chat me up on LinkedIn.